Local works councils reach the limits of their codetermination and their possibilities within international corporations when decisions are no longer made on site but rather in foreign company headquarters.
In these cases, European works councils make a valuable contribution in helping to structure employment relations and, above all, in protecting employees’ rights. When transnational changes and restructuring take place in a company, they are entitled to information and consultation.
We have been providing consulting and support for European works councils for many years. We thoroughly prepare you for this task and gladly provide you with comprehensive advice.
There is a legal entitlement to our expertise according to EU directive 2009/38/EC, to national statutory requirements and also often based on the EWC agreement which is applicable in each case.
Our assignment is often related to a special case such as, for example
- information and consulting processes
- questions regarding the restructuring or reorganisation of a company
- strategy analysis and strategy evaluation
- company mergers, sales and acquisitions.
We have a European network linked to trade unions and consultancies.
Contact Person

Michael Hoffmann LL.B.
Rechtsanwalt Wirtschaftsmediator (FH)
Saarbruecken Office
Mobil: +49 152 08 76 21 98